Reimagining Modern Masculinity: Embracing Balance and Respect

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Are Men Intimidated by Strong Women?

Hey there, folks! Let’s dive into a real talk about modern masculinity and the dynamics between men and women in today’s dating scene. Recently, I stumbled upon a thought-provoking discussion that got me reflecting on what it truly means to embody modern masculinity. The conversation revolved around the idea of how men perceive and respond to women who exude strong, assertive energy – and boy, did it spark some fiery opinions.

The gist of it was this: I came across a video on social media where a lady was dishing out her views on men’s reactions to confident, self-assured women. She argued that when a man feels intimidated by a strong, independent woman, he’s displaying weakness. Now, I’ll be honest – this topic stirred up a hornet’s nest of emotions, and it’s a tad controversial. But bear with me.

What’s Really Going on?

The crux of the matter lies in the discomfort men feel when they encounter a woman who embodies what’s often termed as ‘masculine energy.’ It’s not about feeling intimidated – it’s about feeling out of sync. As men when we show up for a date with a woman, and she is in her masculine energy, it can be very disconcerting. Picture this: you’re out on a date with someone who exudes a strong, assertive vibe, and it throws you off. It’s like trying to dance to two different beats – it just doesn’t quite sync up, and that’s okay.

Ladies please pay attention. We work with men, we play sports with men, we watch football with men, and we negotiate with men; so (as heterosexual men), when we go on a date with a woman, it is quite off-putting to be out with a woman who is in her masculine energy. To be clear, the men I am friends with, and who I coach, are very rarely “intimidated”. A man who has put the work into being more self-aware will evaluate the situation, feel like his date isn’t comfortable being in her feminine, and come to the conclusion that this date kind of sucks.

I’ll be direct. As a heterosexual male, it is not enjoyable when I go on a date, and I’m excited to spend time with lady, and then she acts like a man!

Valuing the Masculine and the Feminine!

Now, let’s talk about expectations. Men are expected to be leaders, financially sound, physically fit, protectors, providers, tall, thoughtful, calm, etc. We’re expected to have dealt with our trauma in therapy, to be be home owners, and to be successful. We’re expected to build all of this intellectual and physical property to be attractive to women. The gal in the interview made the statement that if a guy isn’t in his alpha masculine, it forces her to step into her masculine energy. Listen, both men and women have their own unique energies, and there’s beauty and power in that diversity; so for her to state that somehow her femininity isn’t powerful or effective enough means that she doesn’t embrace, or value, her femininity enough.

Guys, it is not your job to build a fortress of emotional and physical safety for every stranger you go on a date with. Ladies, it’s not about asking men to build an emotional fortress to cater to every whim, just as it’s not about morphing into a ‘boss lady’ to fit a certain mold. It’s about embracing and valuing femininity, just as men are encouraged to bring their masculinity to the table – a harmonious partnership, if you will.

Here’s the kicker: it’s not about playing a role or putting on a show. It’s about being genuine, being true to ourselves, and finding that natural rhythm that resonates with our core essence. Sure, there’s a whole lot of noise out there, with labels and expectations flying around, but at the end of the day, it’s about finding that peaceful, complementary connection – a dance where both partners move in harmony.

In a nutshell, it’s not about being intimidated or weak, and it’s certainly not about conforming to societal pressures. It’s about embracing our authentic selves, celebrating the unique energies we bring to the table, and finding that beautiful, synchronized dance of modern masculinity and femininity. So, here’s to embracing our true selves and dancing to our own beats – in perfect harmony. Cheers to the dance of modern masculinity!