Dealing with Anxiety: A Simple Process for Finding Comfort and Confidence

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Hey there, everyone! Today, I want to share with you a conversation I had recently about dealing with anxiety. The person I was talking to opened up about their struggles with anxious thoughts and the process they’ve been using to manage them. It was such an eye-opening and relatable discussion that I couldn’t wait to pass it on to you.

So, picture this: you’re feeling overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, your body is tensed up, and your mind is racing with uncontrollable worries. Sound familiar? Well, the process my friend shared with me is all about taking a step back and regaining control. It starts with a simple deep breath and acknowledging the anxious thought. Scan your body, pay attention to how it feels. Then consciously put words to the feelings; Do you have tightness in your chest? Is your breath racing? Once you have a handle on how your body is reacting to the thought, Then comes the crucial part – asking yourself, “Is this thought grounded in reality? Do I have evidence of this thought?” It’s about challenging those anxious thoughts and not letting them take over.

Now, here’s the game-changer: recognizing what you can and cannot control. Most of the time, anxiety is driven by things we can’t control, and it often stems from past experiences that left us feeling hurt or abandoned. But here’s the good news – you can learn to let go of these thoughts. Pay attention to how your body feels, take some deep breaths, and then just let it go. It’s all about practicing with small triggers and gradually building your skills to tackle bigger challenges.

The beauty of this process is that it’s not complicated at all. It’s about building a new skill – the skill of managing your discomfort and anxiety. By practicing it with small triggers, you’ll find yourself getting better at handling those racing heart moments. It’s like a muscle that gets stronger with each use. The key is to embrace this process with courage and patience, knowing that you’re on a journey to feeling more comfortable and confident.

I don’t know about you, but this process has given me hope and a sense of direction in dealing with my own anxious thoughts. It’s comforting to know that there’s a simple yet powerful way to navigate through those overwhelming moments. So, if you ever find yourself tangled up in anxious thoughts, remember to take a deep breath, challenge those thoughts, and practice letting go. You’ve got this! And I hope this little insight brings you as much comfort and excitement as it has brought me.